Saturday 5th October 2024

8.30:   Buildings open for 10ofThose to set up plus other preparations.

10.00: ‘Delegates’ arrive.  Teas and Coffees available.

10.30: Delegates are welcomed to the King’s Centre. “Housekeeping” procedures.

10.35: Welcome and introduction of Ian Coffey

10.40: Talk: In your light, we see light. Part 1

11.40: Announcement of collection (Ken)

           Introduction from 10ofThose

11.55: Tea/coffee break

12.15: Workshop:

Contemporary challenges and opportunities for life and leadership in the local church

1.00:   Lunch break. Tea and coffee available.

           Place feedback forms on seats

1.55:   McClatchey’s slot

2.00:   Resumption. Talk: In your light, we see light. Part 2

3.00:   Closing words from  Graham.