Event Programme

Draft 2023 Programme:

Our speaker Phil Moore will be speaking on the theme of Re=ignite.

Theme: Reignite – helping people throughout the day to grapple with what is happening in our nation and how the Lord is calling us to respond.

8.30:   Buildings open for 10ofThose to set up plus other preparations.

10.00: ‘Delegates’ arrive.  Teas and Coffees available.

10.30: Delegates are welcomed to the King’s Centre. “Housekeeping” procedures.

10.35: Welcome and introduction of Phil Moore

10.40: Session #1: Reignite: why is it needed?  (John 11:1-44)

11.25: Announcement of collection

              Introduction from 10ofThose

11.40: Tea/coffee break

12.00  Session #2: Reignite: the few (John 11:1-44)

12.45: Lunch break. Tea and coffee available.

1.45:   Resumption, beginning with a time of worship

2.00:   Seminars:

#1 Stephen Lloyd: ‘Adam or death: Which came first?’

#2 Philip Powell: ‘The Christian approach to climate change’

3.00:  Session #3: Reignite: the world  (John 11:1-44) 

3.45:   Closing words from Graham.